Unlocking Employee Engagement: The Key to Success


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Engaged employees are the lifeblood of a successful company. When employees feel valued, inspired, and connected, they become passionate advocates for the organization’s mission and vision. Engaged employees go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results, driving innovation, productivity, and customer satisfaction. By fostering a culture of engagement, companies empower their employees to contribute their unique talents and perspectives, paving the way for collaboration, creativity, and growth. When employees are engaged, they become active participants in their own and the company’s success. But are employees today engaged? This episode explores what is happening in today’s workforce and whether employees are engaged.

Speaker Information:

Brad Zimmerman, partner of Phoenix Performance Partners and co-author of the book THE GREAT ENGAGEMENT. In their book, THE GREAT ENGAGEMENT, Tom Willis and Brad Zimmerman guide CEOs and leaders through the pragmatic process they have used for over 30 years to transform organizations from good to great to exceptional. Brad has been helping CEOs Create Exceptional Cultures since 1992. He believes there is unlimited potential in the human spirit and that we all adopt beliefs that can limit our potential. Gaining access to this potential unleashes personal and organizational growth. Following a successful career in sales and operations, he turned to organizational coaching more than 30 years ago. Since then, he has helped over 10,000 leaders in businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations develop cultures that transform work environments so people grow and organizations thrive.