Sustainability Policies

Siinda closely monitors the EU  and global regulatory landscape related to digital and search and substantiate research and papers to drive digital growth. Siinda thrives on promoting an environment which

  • enables better cross-border data flows in  compliant and data protective respectful ways
  • promotes digitalisation of entreprises and public sector bodies
  • drives growth and sustainability in martech, media and advertising
  • boosts SMBs access to digitalisation and finance to help them grow


EU Taxonomy

Cornerstone of the EU’s sustainable finance framework and an important market transparency tool, it helps direct investments to the economic activities most needed for the transition, in line with the European Green Deal objectives.

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - CSRD

The EU rules that require large companies and listed companies to publish regular reports on the social and environmental risks they face, and on how their activities impact people and the environment

Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive - CSDD

The aim of this Directive is to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour and to anchor human rights and environmental considerations in companies’ operations and corporate governance. The new rules will ensure that businesses address adverse impacts of their actions, including in their value chains inside and outside Europe.