How conscious accountability can elevate results


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We all think we know what accountability is but very often, we mix up the words accountability, responsibility, answerability, obligation, and many others. We often use these words in the same context and relate the meaning to forced or given tasks rather than inner motivation or drive. Instead, we should discuss conscious accountability, where individuals and teams work towards a common goal to which everyone wants to contribute. This episode discusses how we can develop conscious accountability and how it transforms teams and impacts results.

Speaker Information:

David C. Tate is a licensed clinical psychologist, professionally certified coach, and organizational consultant. He is the co-founder and CEO of Conscious Growth Partners. He is an assistant professor in psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine and a lecturer at the Yale School of Management. He is co-author of the new book: Conscious Accountability: Deepen Connections, Elevate Results. Conscious Growth Partners offers Executive and CEO Coaching, Team Coaching, Culture Change, and Keynote Speaking/Workshops. David has worked with leaders and senior managers in healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, distribution, publishing, media/design, education, technology, and construction.