‘Talkin bout my Generation’- Embracing today’s generational mix


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n 1965, the rock band “The Who” released “Talkin bout my Generation” which expressed the difference between generations. Peter Townsend, the songwriter, was experiencing the disconnect between himself and his parent’s generation. Peter, now 77 and born on the cusp of the baby boomer generation, was trying to explain to the world- his new generation. Today, this could translate to each generation that has followed. The generational gap has been discussed since Karl Mannheim, a German psychologist wrote an essay called “The Problem of Generations.” published in English in 1952. Today we are in 2022, and as we live longer, and the discussion on generations continues as we live with sometimes six generations in one home. In this episode, we talk with an expert on generational communication and how we should embrace the experience, the differences and the similarities. We talk about how to embrace this in the workplace and at home.

Speaker Information:

Chris De Santis, speaker, consultant, and author, specializing in workplace interventions. His brand new book is Why I Find You Irritating: Navigating Generational Friction at Work. Chris De Santis has over thirty-five years of experience working with clients in professional services firms both domestically and internationally. . Over the past fifteen years, he has been invited to speak on generational issues in the workplace at hundreds of the leading U.S. law and accounting firms, as well as many of the major insurance and pharma companies. Over the past fifteen years, he has been invited to speak on generational issues in the workplace at hundreds of the leading U.S. law and accounting firms, as well as many of the major insurance and pharma companies.